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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/29/06
Greenfield Conservation Commission
November 29th, 2006

Attended:     Karen Day, Karla Allen, Neal Brown, Roger Lessard, Laura Putnam, Janet Romanelli
Absent:   Miriam Lockhart
Special Attendee:Carol Irvin, Open Space Committee

Old Business

NRI - update - Emily Hague recommended that an executive summary be written.  It was unanimously authorized.

New Business
Open Space Committee warrant article, justification, and plan.  Karen mentioned that the Selectboard would like to have a plan included in the justification.  Neal recommended bulleting.  It would be good to include how many building permits have been issued each year for the last ten years.  It would be good to contact Emily Hague or Dick Ober for info on what’s currently being done.  Include examples of other places in the state where money has been saved (Fremont).  Contact Betsy Hardwick in Francestown.  Get more current Cost of Community Services studies.  The Forest Road land is back on the market.  We will be needing a full-time Fire Chief some time in the near future.  Ask George Rainier what it would take to place a moratorium on the issue of building permits.  Town Meeting is March 13th. Ask Roger Swain to speak to the subject.  Look at Candia’s municipal water source info.

Any other business brought forward by members or attendees: Carol Irvin asked that at least one member of the Con Com be present at an upcoming ZBA meeting - Karen agreed to go.

Mail of importance - none.

Submitted by Janet Romanelli